Margin: 1 inch all sides, Spacing: 1.5 lines, Single column
Title of the paper (Title, Times New Roman, bold, 14)
Author1*, Author2* (Author(s), Times New Roman, bold, 12)
Affiliation email, (Times New Roman, 10)
ABSTRACT (Times New Roman, bold, 10)
Keywords (Times New Roman, bold, 9)
Introduction (Times New Roman, bold, 12)
Literature Review (Times New Roman, bold, 12)
Research Methodology (Times New Roman, bold, 12)
Data Analysis (Times New Roman, bold, 12)
Results (Times New Roman, bold, 12)
Discussions (Times New Roman, bold, 12)
Conclusion (Times New Roman, bold, 12)
Limitations and Future Studies (Times New Roman, bold, 12) – Optional